Friday, September 11, 2009

Greatest Threats For Your Diet

What is the biggest threat to your diet? Dinner or party invitation! A strict diet that has lived hard, could collapse in an instant. Here are some tips to keep your diet:

* Eat before attending the dinner invitation. This will help put the brakes on your appetite in the party.
* Eat more soup. Select soup without the cream is usually pretty low in calories and make full.
* Try to eat low-calorie menu first before eating the other menus. Start with salads, vegetables, and soup broth, and then the meat in the last sequence. By the time the turn came to meat, the stomach is full enough for high-calorie menu.
* Do not use a plate dinner. Use a salad plate so your meal is not excessive.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tips To Reduce Dark Circles Under The Eyes

* Cook two cups of water until hot, but do not till it's boiedl.
* Put into soft cloth into the water until warm to the touch hands.
* Then attach the cloth to the eyes for 15 minutes
* After 15 minutes move, lightly pat the eyelid skin that has dried, then apply eye cream.

Another alternative to soothe eye: thin slices of potato and place in the eye for several minutes. Potatoes contain an enzyme and the skin pigment that can enlighten and also reduce the dark circles around the eyes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Misleading Myths About Dinner

No dinner help you lose weight? It's just a myth to mislead!

Many people think, eating less means to accelerate weight loss. They do not know, when not eating, your body thinks we are starving and therefore slow down the metabolism.

We also tend to eat much after the passing of time to eat. Therefore, do not miss a meal. A healthy way is to eat often but in small portions to keep your blood sugar balanced.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cheapest, Easiest and Healthiest Sport

You can do a cheap, easy work out, but gives tremendous benefits for your body and your health. What is important in choosing a sport should be adjusted to the age and condition of the body, and the right dosage to avoid the possibility of body burden and lead to fatigue, muscle injury, bone and joints.

Jogging is one sport that's right for you. In addition to easy and suitable for all ages, jogging requires only trainers and clothes. According to research scientist in Copenhagen City Heart Study, jogging has a positive effect on blood pressure, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, weight, until diabetes. Meanwhile, he continued effects include reduction in the thickness of the coronary arteries, the functioning of the heart muscles better, and more capable of much oxygen you breathe.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tips To Gain Weight

In an effort to gain weight should also consider the health, should not eat any food that it could even lead to new diseases.

Here are tips to add a healthy weight:

* Add food and drink that contains carbohydrates, high protein. Like drinking a glass of milk every morning, eating half-cooked egg. Avoid foods that contain lots of fat.

* Take supplements that can increase appetite. Of course, legal supplements and healthy.

* Adding more times to eat. For example, all three times a day increased to five times to seven times a day with the number of servings of less than three times a day. By taking into account the nutrients from your food intake.

* Consume complete vitamin for our bodies.

* Keep doing enough exercise. Because adequate exercise can burn fat in your body.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wrinkles Vs. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are known for its lycopene content. It is believed to prevent wrinkles and dark spots on the skin from the sun-From a study in 80% of human skin wrinkles caused by sunlight. Lycopene is a potental antioxidant that may reduce premature aging caused by sun exposure.

Lycopene-rich can be found in tomato. It can dramatically reduce skin damage caused by sunlight. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and powerful weapons in preventing skin damage caused by free radicals.

Add some cooked tomato dishes into your menu such as spaghetti, pizza, tomato soup or the other. If possible choose a cooked tomatoes than raw. Though raw tomatoes contain more lycopene, but when cooked the contents will increase to 4 times.

There is also a good idea you drink 1 glass of tomato juice every day instead of orange juice. Because the tomato juice, then you will get the lycopene and vitamin C. If you do not like the tomatoes, then you can take lycopene supplements, but you should consult to your doctor first.

According to the experts, adding the tomatoes into the diet brings many benefits. Lycopene is also known for its advantage in combating heart disease and cancer.

So, in addition to skin health, you can also prevent other diseases with tomatoes.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Do not Sleep Late At Night

The doctors at National Taiwan Hospital recently shocked the world medicine since the discovery of a case of a young doctor aged 37 years been very trusting liver function tests (AST, ALT), but it was just before the Lunar New Year Day known positive liver cancer throughout the 10 cm!

So far almost everyone is dependent on the results of the index liver function tests (Liver function Index). They think if examination showed a normal result index means all OK.
Misunderstandings of this kind were also performed by many physicians specialist. What a surprise, the doctors should provide the right knowledge to the general public. Prevention of liver cancer should be done the right way.

There is no other way except to detect and treat it as early as possible.. But ironically, it turns out doctors which handles liver cancer can also have the wrong view, even misleading the public, why this is the biggest cause of cancer liver is difficult to cure.

The main causes of liver damage are:

1. Sleeping too late and wake up too late was the cause of most

2. Eating too much.

3. Not eating breakfast.

4. Too much consumption of drugs.

5. Consume too much preservatives, additives, dyes, artificial sweeteners.

6. Cooking oil is not healthy! As far as possible reduce the use of cooking oil when frying foods is also true that although using the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when we are in a state of fatigue, except in a fit body condition.

7. Consuming raw cuisine (very mature) also add to the burden of liver. Vegetables are eaten raw or well-done 3 / 5 parts. Fried vegetables should be eaten right away, do not be stored.

We must take reasonable precautions to. Simply set lifestyle and patterns of daily food. Treatment of diet and condition of time is necessary for our bodies can do the absorption and disposal of substances that are not useful accordance with the schedule,


@ From 9 to 11 pm: is the disposal of unuseful substances / toxic (de-toxin) antibody system (lymph nodes). During this time duration should be passed a quiet atmosphere or listening to music.

@From 11 - 1 am: the process of de-toxin in the heart, must take place in conditions of sleep.

@From 1 to 3 am: the process of de-toxin in the gall, also took place in a sleep state.

@From 3 to 5 am: de-toxin in the lungs. Because it will cause great cough for cough sufferers during this time. Because the cleaning process (de-toxin) has reached the respiratory tract,
it does not need to drink cough medicine so as not to impede the process sewage.

@From 5 to 7 am: de-toxin in the large intestine, to dispose of urine.

@From 7 to 9: when the absorption of nutrients food. For those who are sick should eat more in the morning eg. before 6:30 am. Breakfast before 7:30 is very good for those who want to maintain their health. For those who do not eat that morning hoping to change this habit, even
still better late breakfast until 9-10 am than not eat at all. Sleeping too late and wake up too late will disrupt the process of disposal of unuseful substances. In addition, the middle of the night until 4 o'clock in the morning is the time for bone marrow back to produce blood. Therefore, a deep sleep is needed and avoid sleepless is recommended.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Other Functions Of Ice Cubes

Who says ice cubes can only be used to accompany soft drinks and thirst. If you know, ice cubes can also overcome the pain that attacks your body.

* For Back Pain

Your backaches after a heavy lifting or sitting all day in front of the computer? Ice cubes can be a solution. Paste the ice just on the back where you feel the pain. With the pain will soon improve with the melting ice cubes.

* Sun Burn

Vacation on the beach makes your skin burn? Immediately wrap the ice cube with a soft towel and compress your head.

* Insects Bitten

For insect bites skin, brush, brush it with ice cubes. Enough for 5 - 10 minutes. That way, the swelling will soon disappear.

* Migraines and Headaches

To overcome the headaches and migraines, do not bother to take the drug . It would not eliminate your illness. Put ice cubes in plastic in the back of your neck and forehead.

Clever use of natural medicine/remedial to overcome the pain in your body. Do not rush in a decision to take the medicine. Good luck!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

13 Basic Points Of Balanced Nutrition

1. Eat a variety of foods
The food sources of energy substances (carbohydrates), building material (protein), as well as regulating substances (vitamins and minerals).

2. Eat food to meet energy needs.
Those needs can be met from three main sources, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 1 gram of carbohydrate will yield 4 kcal of energy, 1 gram of protein will yield 4 kcal of energy, while 1 gram of fat will yield 9 kcal of energy.

3. Eat the food sources of carbohydrates, half of the energy needs.
WHO (1990) suggested that 55 to 75% of total energy consumption comes from complex carbohydrates and at most only 10% comes from simple sugars.

4. Limit your intake of fats and oils to a quarter of the adequacy of energy.
Consuming excessive animal fats can cause narrowing of the arteries and coronary heart disease.

5. Use iodine salt to prevent iodine deficiency disorders result.
Gaki can inhibit the development of the intelligence level of children, mumps, and kretin (dwarf). It is recommended to consume no more than 6 grams salt(1 teaspoon) per day.

6. Eat the food sources of iron to prevent anemia.
Good sources are green vegetables, beans, liver, eggs and meat. But primarily from the animal side. Why? Because the iron in the animal side is in the form of heme (absorbed 5x higher than nonheme).

7. Give only breast milk to babies until 4 months old.
Exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of infants. But now it has been updated. It is not until the age of 4 months, but until the age of 6 months, after which complementary foods should be given besides Breast Milk.

8. Get used to eating in the morning (breakfast)
to maintain physical endurance and improve labor productivity. Do not say anymore diet for skipping breakfast, because recent research shows that breakfast does not actually increase a hormone that triggers weight gain. Plus breakfast not give effect "starving" so that the lunch was double size.

9. Drink clean, safe water and sufficient in number,
ie. at least 2 liters, equivalent to 8 glasses every day, so that the body's physiological processes can take place smoothly and in balance.

10. Doing physical activity and regular exercise
to achieve a normal weight and compensate for excessive energy consumption.

11. Avoid drinking alcohol.
For those who like to drink alcoholic beverages, remember that your liver (heart) is at risk for cancer!

12. Eat foods that are safe for health,
that is free from chemical contamination and dangerous microbes, which can cause illness. Beware of choosing a child snacks; note the color, if the color is too light, dyes can be used instead of food coloring.

13. Read the labels on packaged foods,
to know the composition of constituent materials (ingredients), nutritional composition, and the expiration date. You understand Monosodium Glutamate aka MSG right? Too much of it, your child's intelligence may decline. People with hypertension also have to be careful. Sodium = natrium. You remember the chemical formula of salt right? True, NaCl or sodium Chlorida. The nature of natrium or sodium is absorbed / bound water. If your tissue gets high-sodium, water will be absorbed into the tissue; water in the blood vessels decreases, blood will be thicker. This is the dominant factor in hypertension. So, make your low-salt diet, the sodium needs to be reduced; included in instant food and food preservation.

Some common abbreviations used in labels, among others:
- MD = foods made domestically
- ML = food from abroad (imported)
- Exp = Expired date. After that date, no proper food consumption
- SNI = Standard Nasional Indonesia, namely the information that the quality of food has been in accordance with the requirements
- SP = Certificate Extension

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tips To Avoid Low Bood Pressure

Low blood pressure or hypotension (hypotension) is a state where a person's blood pressure dropped below the normal rate, reaching a low value of blood 90/60 mmHg. There are two kinds of blood pressure, among others: the systolic blood pressure when the heart is pumping and diastolic blood pressure is when the heart relaxes (no pumping). Optimal blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg. 120 is the systolic blood pressure, 80 is the diastolic blood pressure.

Someone who has low blood pressure generally will complain often giddy state, frequently yawning and eyes sometimes feel less obvious (the firefly), especially after a long sit and walk, a cold sweat, nausea, rapid thirst, feel tired limp, breathing fast and short, difficult to concentrate, skin cold, pale and clammy even experience recurrent fainting.

There are 3 factors that help determine blood pressure:

1. The amount of blood pumped from the heart. The more blood is pumped from the heart each minute (cardiac output), the higher the blood pressure. The amount of blood that is pumped may be reduced if the heart rhythm slows down or weaken the contractions, as can happen after a heart attack (infarct myocardium). Heart rate is very fast, which can reduce the efficiency of the heart pump, also can reduce cardiac output.

2. Volume of blood in the blood vessels. The more blood in the circulation, the higher the blood pressure. Blood loss due to dehydration or bleeding can reduce blood volume and lower blood pressure.

3. The capacity of the blood vessels. The smaller the capacity of the heart vessels, the higher the blood pressure. Widening blood vessels causes decreased blood pressure and constriction of blood vessels causing increased blood pressure.


1. Basically green vegetables usually contain iron that can overcome the symptoms of low blood
2. Consume supplements can help.
3. Avoid eating cucumber, starfruit, because it can lower blood pressure.
4. Drink minimum 8 glasses of water a day.
5. Exercise regularly for at least three times a week for 30 minutes.
6. Have enough rest. Sleeping with your head raised ± 30 cm and bedding can improve
orthostatic hypotension-- the mechanism of reduced renal artery pressure which then stimulates the release of renin and increase the volume of blood. Work out regularly such as walking is quite capable of reducing the incidence of symptoms.

It's better you avoid high cholesterol food, because its side effect is more dangerous than the condition of low blood pressure. Composition of foods you should be with are 10-15% meat, 25% vegetables and the remaining carbohydrates.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tips And Tricks How To Study Well For Preparing Exams

Learning must be done by students. Learning is generally done at school when classes take place led by Mr. or Mrs. Teacher. Good learning is also done at home either with or without a homework. Learning in a hurry due to being chased by the time has negative impact.

Here are tips and triks that can be valuable input in preparing yourselves to face test or exam:

1. Learning in Group
Learning in groups and learning activities can be more enjoyable because it was accompanied by friends and at home so it can be more relaxed. But should stillbe accompanied by an adult as brother, uncle, aunt or parents to learn to not turn into a play(chit chat). It's good to learn in a group which invites smart and studious friends, so that the unable friends can be smart catch. In the study group, you can discuss learning activities that are not well understood by all or part of the study group members whether the topic had been described by the teacher or has not been clarified yet.

2. Make Summary Lesson Notes diligently
Important parts of the lesson should be made on paper records or a small book that can be carried anywhere, so it can be read wherever we are. However, these records should not be cheated because the media can undermine our own.

3. Making Good Planning
To achieve a goal is usually accompanied by a good plan. Therefore be worthwhile to create lesson plans and attainment plans to determine whether the value of learning activities that we do, have a maximum or should be improved. Adjust target achievement with the ability we have. Do not target number one if we are still outside the top 10 in class. Create a learning plan that prioritized on weak subjects. Make a good study schedule.

4. Discipline in Learning
If we have made the schedule, so it should be run well. Such as learning on time and serious with full concentration. If the time to eat, bathe, and pray call, do not delay. Continue learning after doing these activities if the time to learn is not over yet. Playing with friends or the game can destroy concentration. Activities should also be scheduled included play. Schedule a long time but not tiring play if you want to play before the time to learn. If you could only play video games, choose games that educate and not cause a high curiosity or a high sense of resentment when lost.

5. Asking and Being Asked On
If there is something not clear, then ask the teachers, friends or parents. If you ask you will usually remember the answers. If you ask, ask and do not adequately test those are we asked. Offer a friend to ask us things that he/she had not understood. The more we can ask, the more we often recall the answer and the more we remember it. If we also do not know the correct answer, then we can discuss it with friends.

6. Learning seriously and persistently
While studying in class listen to and record what the teacher explained. Note that it is important because it can be not in the book and will be on during tests or exams. When there's free time, read back notes that have been made earlier and memorize it understandably. If we are comfortable with a lesson then test yourself with the questions. Once done, check answer with answer key. Learn again the questions with the wrong answer.

7. Avoid Excessive Learning
If a test or a test was imminent we would usually, if not ready begin to panic. The shortcut is often done by students who are not ready is to study till late at midnight / stay up or make a cheat sheet. When you will have the test, you should sleep on time because if you stay up all night long, it will bring bad effect for your health, especially for children.

8. Doing Honest In Exams
Avoid cheating when you're working on test. Lies can not however be covered up constantly and tend to make the next lies to cover up the old lies. Suppose that the cheating would have found out by a teacher and we'll have a future as criminals when we do the fraud. That mindset at least will keep you away from cheating.